Why This Blog is So Necessary to Humanity

Friday, June 12, 2015


Ok...I really shouldn't blog when I am angry like this but this really has me in a rage.

I got a message on a social media account from a follower telling me that a Fitness Icon that I used to follow posted some examples of what a few days of eating looks like for her. She was really troubled by what she saw. I was definitely curious so I had to take a look. What I found honestly infuriated me.

This lady preaches being good to your body. She preaches 'eating well' and listening to your body. She talks about the importance of good nutrition and eating for your goals.

These are all great things right? I agree!

But wait until you see some of her examples of what her 'healthy' meals are...

Here is her 'Post Workout Breakfast'.

This was one of her four 'meals' and it was post workout no less....when you are likely ravenous and in need of replenishing. Really?

How about some examples of her different lunches?

I piece of salmon with FIVE brussels sprouts and a few flimsy shavings of cheese...

Here is another one that made me laugh:

Check out her 'amazing creamy pasta'.

That is a tiny ass plate and an even tinier portion. Are you seriously saying that is all you eat for lunch? These are three different lunches on different days. None of these were eaten at the same time.

I thought...ok. Maybe she is rushing around in the day and only has time for small meals! Maybe dinner will be more substantial? 


Chicken soup. More like Chicken Sip.

Or maybe she'll just have a salad...

I really could not believe my eyes. This is her idea of healthy portions? These are all separate meals from different days of the week mind you. One photo, one meal. She eats these ridiculously small portions and has at most 4 meals per day...

Oh wait...want to see her snack for movie night?

Ok so...why am I all riled up? To be honest, I don't really care if she doesn't eat enough. If that's what she wants to do to herself, go for it. She may have a small appetite or maybe none at all. That's fine I guess.
However...she is setting an example for her many adoring fans.

Fans who may or may not be so willing to eat a whole lot of nothing...but then she says this is how it's done. So they must be wrong right? I mean look at her! She is perfect!

Most people will not be full from meals like these. Most people will barely hit their RMR (what your body burns at rest) from eating meals like this. This is not ok for a lot of reasons. It warps the perspective of what healthy eating is. Being healthy isn't about minute portions from an even more minuscule list of food choices. Under eating like this may result in quick weight loss initially but it forces the body to pick and choose where the few calories that you are giving it goes and basic functions become compromised. Your metabolism shifts down a few gears and all of a sudden weight loss stops...in order to lose weight you either have to eat less or exercise more, both of which are not recommended when calories are already so low...
Then one becomes frustrated. Why don't I look like the original poster of these meals? Why can't I lose weight? Why am I failing again? What is wrong with me?

At this point there are a few ways to go. For some, they give up. They think this whole 'health scene' is just not for them...they go back to regular eating habits and then gain back the weight they lost and then some. Others may stick with it seeing little to no results after time but continue waiting for rain in a lifelong drought. And then...for some...eating disorders can develop. 

It seems melodramatic but I actually know where I am coming from with this. I suffered from anorexia...and it's exactly this sort of thing that triggered me. When I would see such small portions being promoted as a meal I would kill myself to follow suit. I would feel guilty about getting hungry or wanting to eat regular portions of regular foods. I ended up eating less and less until I was down to eating 300-600 calories a day. And all of this started because I wanted to be healthier and I listened to people like this and then everything spiralled out of control...

Under eating also escalates things like anxiety and depression, insomnia...things that all greatly affect your quality of life. This isn't a game...this is people's lives and that is why I feel that such Fitness personalities are unforgivably irresponsible with things like this.

My advice to you? If it looks off and goes against your better judgement chances are something is up. If you compare the physique of this girl to what she is eating it doesn't add up. Not unless there is something else in the equation that isn't being discussed or that all of it is lies to begin with.

Please don't fall for this. This is not ok.


  1. The "fitness industry" really is one of the biggest frauds there is. I just hope and pray that unsuspecting folks find you before they find dangerous scum like this idiot.

  2. I love you Anna! Never having met you in person, it's probably weird to say that. But I love what you're writing, and saying, and how you actually care about women being healthy and fit, and not just having a low bf%. I love that you're actually fighting for women to feed themselves in ways that are loving to their bodies and not based on the idea that self denial = moral human being, or self denial = strong human being, or that self denial = beauty. As a female, I am so tired of a society that praises us for denying ourselves, and for not listening to our bodies. So sign me up as president of the Annalisa D'Ornellas fan club....or at least the secretary, pretty sure StackingPlates is president....because your words need to be heard by women everywhere, and I'm sooo ready to make flyers and paint signs :)
